North Madison Church of Christ
Madisonville, Texas

Welcome, and thank you for visiting the North Madison Church online. We hope that our website highlights our fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
The purpose of the North Madison Church is to reach out to the lost of Madison County and beyond with the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ.
Schedule of Services
Sunday AM Worship: 9:30
Sunday AM Bible Class: 10:50
Wednesday PM 6:00
My God is Real
of the North Madison
Church of Christ
The North Madison Church of Christ as a matter of record, had its beginning as a congregation in a revival meeting led by Brother Benton Sweeney, of the Midway church (est. approximately 1855), sent the following report, dated November 24, 1858, to the Gospel Advocate, a brotherhood paper published in Nashville, Tennessee.
"At the earnest request of brethren living near Madisonville, Madison County, Bro. Benton Sweeney began a meeting at Madisonville on Saturday before the second Lord's Day in November and continued three days. On Saturday (Nov. 13, 1858) a church was planted with 19 brethren. From the commencement till the close, there was an unusual interest. We had 5 discourses, and 5 noble additions. The brethren seemed much encouraged. They have no house of their own at present. Until they can build one in which to meet and to observe the ordinances."
In the early days, the names Disciples of Christ, Christian church, or churches of Christ were used almost interchangeably when referring to any of the churches of the Campbell/Stone Restoration movement. From 1881 until the religious census of 1906, the Madisonville and Midway churches were known as the Christian church. After 1906, churches that did not use instrumental music in their worship began to be designated as the Church of Christ, and thus the Madisonville church became known by that title and so stands today.
As with every church, the Madisonville church has had its hills and valleys. the church has experienced the waxing and waning of active membership. It has existed through times of unity and harmony , as well as periods of strife and division. It has witnessed both strong eldership and no eldership, save the leadership of all the men of the church.
The North Madison church has sustained desire to see the church as being like a family. To this end, activities beyond regular worship services are available with the prayerful design that we encourage one another in our spiritual growth and maturity. A particular passion continues to be held for the children of our church family and community. We pray together that God, in Christ, by the Holy Spirit will continue to lead us in zeal of regular Bible study as well as exploring how to develop living the lifestyle presented by the Son of God.
A history of the church, with all the changes in location, preacher, evangelistic meeting, organization, etc. until 1983, can be found in the Madison County History Book located in the back of the church auditorium.
All are invited to worship with us, get to know us, and if you are looking for a church home, consider becoming a part of the North Madison church family.